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¿Cómo vender en Amazon USA?

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How to sell on Amazon USA and take advantage of the world’s largest marketplace in a market like the United States? Did you know that it is possible to sell on Amazon USA from Latin America? Find out how below. 

Expanding your business to other markets is possible. For this, having a company registered in the United States can give your business competitive advantages and, contrary to what you might think, completing the opening of a company in the United States is possible for non-resident foreigners.

Advantages of selling on Amazon USA

Growing market

The decision to enter the US market is an important step that can bring great results to your company. In the United States, retail e-commerce generated $768 billion in 2021 and it is estimated that by 2025 this figure will exceed $1.3 billion.

Leading Marketplace

As for the marketplaces in this market, Amazon continues to dominate the scene with a total of $73.75 billion in sales (2019), followed by Walmart and Apple, already far from the mark reached by Amazon. See the graph below.

Why open an American company?

While opening a business or having a registered business is not required to open a seller account on Amazon USA, having a business entity in the country makes it easier to supply your inventory.

For example, if you choose to logistics your products with Amazon through FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon), having stock available in the United States will make all the difference. In practice, Amazon determines the quantities of products you should receive and the warehouses to which you should send them, sharing your stock across different regions.

Have you thought about having a complete fulfillment operation in the United States and managing it from your country?

This way, you will optimize the process and replenish your stock quickly, in addition to avoiding harming your sales or even a penalty from Amazon for lack of stock.

By storing items in the United States, you also facilitate the preparation of your products for Amazon FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon), allowing you to take advantage of the same remaining stock to sell on other marketplaces or on your own website.

With a company registered in the country, you can have a logistics partner who is responsible for sending your products to Amazon and, in this way, you can easily replenish your stock.

How to make a logistics operation viable in the United States?

As you have seen, to sell on Amazon USA you need to plan your logistics in the United States.

Maintaining logistics in the country is possible without having to invest in equipment, a location or transport. To do this, you can rely on 3PL or Third-Party Logistics partners, who will take care of the reception, storage and shipping of your products, that is, all the fulfillment of your business.

To better understand how this process works, we invite you to learn about the  fulfillment process at the Globalfy warehouse, located in Orlando, Florida.

Reception and storage of products 

Products are shipped to the United States and received at the company’s warehouse. The merchandise is then checked and counted, included in the physical inventory and recorded in the WMS (Warehouse Management System), the software used to manage the entire fulfillment operation.

Inventory maintenance 

With the support of the warehouse management system, all stocks are kept up to date across sales channels. In practice, your Amazon sales are automatically calculated and updated when a purchase is recorded.

Order processing     

As soon as the order is placed, the WMS receives this information and automatically places the order in the processing queue so that it can be prepared for shipment.

In this phase, the following steps are carried out: selection (Picking), packaging (Packing) and labelling (Labeling) for the carriers. The WMS then updates your sales channel with the order tracking number (Tracking Number).


The merchant can choose the type of shipping for the purchased product. This is possible because the WMS is connected to the transport companies, which allows the entrepreneur to select the type of shipping depending on the goods or the place of delivery.

Reverse logistics 

At Globalfy’s fulfillment center, the warehouse team is also responsible for receiving and processing return orders from partner e-commerce stores.

FBA – Fulfillment By Amazon

As we mentioned above, FBA is another alternative for fulfilling your e-commerce in the United States. It is a service in which Amazon itself is responsible for the storage and delivery of the products.

By choosing FBA, the seller has a competitive advantage, as they become Prime, meaning products are delivered within two business days and with free shipping.

If the entrepreneur chooses to use FBA, he or she can continue to rely on the support of logistics partners responsible for sending his or her products to the Amazon warehouse, following the company’s specifications.

At Globalfy, the software used in the fulfillment operation is integrated with Amazon, which guarantees an automated and very simple operation.

Open your business in the United States and sell on Amazon USA

As you learned in this article, your best option if you want to sell on Amazon USA is to have a US company.

To open your company in the United States, you can count on the support of  www.llcexpertise.com . In addition to opening your company, you can enjoy services such as fulfillment and accounting for your new operation.

To learn more about our services, schedule a free conversation with one of our experts here.

Ofrecemos registros de empresas de alta calidad en los Estados Unidos, que no sólo son reconocidos por el IRS y otras agencias gubernamentales, sino que también le permiten ahorrar millones de dólares en impuestos.

LLC EXPERTISE - Le ayudamos a abrir un negocio en los Estados Unidos para ahorrar en impuestos, conservar todo su dinero y evitar que se lo lleve el gobierno.

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